Test your Startup Before you Launch it

We find experts in your niche to get feedback on your product. Test your MVP and get feedback from real users. Get full report with suggestions and recommendations.

Get Started Now

How it works


You Complete a Survey

Fill out a detailed survey about your business, product, and target audience.


We Analyze and Match Experts

Our AI analyzes your survey and matches you with the perfect niche experts for your product review.


Experts Test Your Product

Our matched experts thoroughly test your product, experiencing it from your users' perspective.


We Gather and Analyze Feedback

We collect detailed feedback from our expert panel and provide a comprehensive analysis of your product's usability and features.


You Receive Actionable Insights

We deliver a detailed report with actionable insights to enhance your product and user experience.


Continuous Improvement

Implement improvements based on our expert insights and repeat the process for ongoing optimization.

About ExoTest

ExoTest is revolutionizing product testing by connecting startups with expert testers in their specific niche. Our AI-driven platform ensures that your product gets the most relevant and insightful feedback before launch.

We understand that launching a product is a critical moment for any startup. That's why we've developed a comprehensive testing process that combines the power of AI matching with the invaluable perspective of experienced professionals in your field.

With ExoTest, you'll receive detailed reports, actionable insights, and recommendations that help you refine your product, enhance user experience, and increase your chances of success in the market. Let us help you turn your MVP into a market-ready solution.

What Our Users Say

Jennifer Holbrook

Jennifer Holbrook

This platform has been instrumental in our product development. The insights we gained from expert testers were eye-opening and helped us pivot in the right direction.

Michael Zhao

Michael Zhao

I was skeptical at first, but the quality of feedback we received was outstanding. It's like having a focus group of industry experts at your fingertips.

Emily Rodriguez

Emily Rodriguez

The speed at which we were able to get our prototype in front of relevant testers was impressive. This service has significantly shortened our development cycle.

David Kim

David Kim

As a UX designer, I appreciate the detailed usability insights we get from each test. It's helped us create a much more intuitive interface for our app.

Priya Patel

Priya Patel

The AI matching algorithm is spot-on. We've consistently been paired with testers who understand our niche market and provide valuable feedback.

Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson

This service has become an integral part of our development process. The actionable insights we receive have directly contributed to our product's success in the market.

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Get comprehensive product testing from expert testers in your niche with our single-plan offering.

Professional Test Plan


  • One comprehensive product test
  • Expert testers in your niche
  • Detailed feedback report
  • Actionable insights
  • 24/7 support
  • Quick turnaround time
Get Started Now